Mediterranean — 2010

Noordam’s Casino

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We are glad to have a sea day, as both of us have colds and coughs, as do about half the passengers on the ship.  We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the dining room.  Even though Barbara wasn’t feeling terrific, it didn’t stop her from having escargots and lobster tail for dinner.  We spent a little time in the casino, but most days we are too busy or tired to gamble.  They have a good system in the casino--you put money on your cabin key card and then you can download it into a slot machine.  If you make money, you can put it back on the card.  It’s nice not to have to be taking anything out of the machines.  We’ve been skipping most of the entertainment after dinner.  There have been a couple excellent singers, but other shows were just average.

Playing Trivia

Noordam anchor

Jerry and Lee playing Ping Pong

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