Mediterranean — 2010
View from Erice
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Trapani is a pretty fishing town on the northwestern side of the island of Sicily. We went on a shore excursion that took us up the side of a steep hill on a road with lots of switchbacks to the medieval town of Erice. We spent time in a church (Annunciation) and walked through the cobblestoned streets of this very pretty town. There were great views of the coast from the ruins of an old castle. The bus brought us back to the old town area of Trapani where we toured the Chiesa de Purgatorio. The stations of the cross line the outside walls of this church and are very striking. Tonight was our last formal night; we lost again at trivia, had happy hour and a nice dinner in the dining room. The room keycards were not working in the casino tonight, so we didn’t spend much time there.
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